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Please follow the instruction provided below to install the program. You can down load the program from the Web or from your CD. If you have purchased the product, you should have received an e-mail with a Serial Number in a form of AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD. If you have Access 97 please follow the instruction here.

The program can be installed from the web from here. Please make sure you use the Serial Number provided as part of your package. Once you start the instantiation, please follow up from step 3.0

2.1- Please insert the CD and use the MS Explorer to open the correct folder.

Note: Start MS Excel, then choose About from the Help menu to check the MS Access  version.

MS Excel


 MS Access 2002 XP  Office 2002 XP Products
 MS Access 2000  Office 2000 Products
 MS Access 97  Office 97 Products

2.2 - Open the correct folder and then Double click on the file called SETUP.EXE and follow the instructions.


3.1 - Once the welcome page is displayed, please click the Next button.

3.2 - Click the Yes button if you agree with the user agreement.

3.3 - Enter the Name, Company Name and the Serial number. If you have purchased the product, the Serial Number has been sent to you by e-mail. Otherwise use the one from the Web-Page or click the Back button and read it from the license agreement.

The default directory that the program is installed is very important. All demo files are located in this directory. If you change the default, please take note for the future use. Otherwise click the Next button.

3.4 - Follow the instructions and make sure, you select the "Yes, Launch the program file" and Click on the Finish button.

4.1 - The program automatically start MS Access and you will get the following dialog.

Note: Please make sure you have installed version 1.50a or higher.

4.2 -Open the folder that you have installed the program. Usually

          C:\Program Files\BaRaN Systems LLC\SQC for Access 2000

Double click on the file SFA_Main_2000_V150.MDE Where

 _2000 is the version of MS Access and

_V150 is the version of the SQC for Access program.

 The following describes the description of the folders and files in this directory.

The program will be starting with the following page.

Note: Make sure you have installed version 1.50a or higher.

4.3 -If you get the following screen, it means you have installed SQC for Access in a different directory location than its default location. Please follow the instruction in next section to connect to the correct database.

Note: Please click the Cancel button few times to get to the above screen.


4.4 - Click on the About button and review the registration status. If you are testing a DEMO you should get the following screen.

If you have purchased the product, please click on the Register button. Otherwise click on the Home button.

Please enter the Serial Number provided in your license package (Please read the e-mail from Digibuy.Com or RegNow.Com). Make sure you enter all 19 characters without any space before or after the Serial Number.

When you enter the correct code the following screen is displayed.

5 - Connect to the Back-End Demo Database

The SQC for Access™ utilizes the MS Access as its engine. A generic relational database have been developed as a Quality Database. 

The SQC for Access program is designed as a split database. A split database consists of two database files:

  • One database (called the Back-End database) contains only the tables (Data) and relationships (Data to Data).  It resides on a network file server in the multi-user database.
  • The other database (referred to as the Front-End database) contains all the other database objects:  queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules.  It resides on each user's computer.

Single-User Setup

Multi-Users Setup

 A Back-End/Front-End database design works well in multi-user environments.  It offers these advantages:

  • Performance is improved because the application portion of the database, the user interface, is on the user's local hard disk.

  • Network traffic is reduced because only the data travels over the network; all other objects in the database are local.

  • Updating your application is easier. You can make design changes to the front-end database, and then distribute the changes to users without changing any of the data in the back-end database.

  • In non-runtime environments, users can create their own custom objects, such as queries, forms, or reports, without affecting other users.

5.1 -  Start the SQC for Access program

Start  All ProgramsSQC for Access SFA_Main_V2002_V150.MDE


Start  All ProgramsMicrosoft Access Open

  • Program Files
  • BaRaN Systems LLC
  • SQC for Access 2002
  • SFA_Main_2002_V150.MDE

If you get the following screen, please click the OK button and then Cancel button few times to get to the main screen.

5.2- Click the Setup button.

Note: When you open the SQC for Access for the first time, the Setup is NOT enabled. please click the label "SQC for Access" to enable it.

5.3-  You have few choices here. You can connect your data base to one of the following:

A- Connect to the DEMO Back-End Database to review the SQC for Access program.

B- Connect to the TEST Back-End Database to test the functionality of the SQC for Access program.

C- Connect to the ACTIVE Back-End Database to start using the SQC for Access program.

We strongly recommend that you follow the above order to get familiarize with the SQC for Access program.

Please do the following to connect SQC for Access (Front-End) program to the DEMO (Back-End) database.

1- Click the Select the DEMO Back-End Database button.

2- Click the Link to Back-End Database button.

3- Click the Home button.

4- Click the Setup Button.

Note: Please make sure you enter a correct Working Directory such as C:\SQC_for_Access


In case that file was not found, please click on the BROWSE button and navigate to the following folder and file.

From File menu option select Exit or click on the X in the left-hand side of the screen. This to save the current saving.

Start the SQC for Access as shown in step 1.


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