Top References
Quality On-Line Publication:
Quality Related Sites:
- American Society for Quality (ASQ)
- American Productivity & Quality Center (APQC) -
non-profit organization focused on best practices, benchmarking, and knowledge management.
- International Benchmarking Clearinghouse -
membership service of APQC delivering best practice information, benchmarking studies,
networking, online databases, publications to member organizations and customers
- Atlanta Quality Resource Center - division
of the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, was formed to "share ideas that make
quality work."
- California Council for Quality and Service (CCQS)
- enables California businesses, governments, associations, educational and health care
institutions improve quality and customer satisfaction.
- CSIRO Mathematical and
Information Sciences - a searchable database of statistical software sites, and
related sites, available worldwide with links to each site.
- Department of the Navy, Total Quality Leadership Office
- European Organization for Quality
- QFD Institute for the Advancement of Quality
Function Deployment - research and educational organization for the advanced study of
the product design and development methods collectively known as QFD.
- Quality Council of Alberta - A statement
of the vision and purpose of the QCA as well as links to related sites and members of the
Board of Directors.
- Quality Management Principles
- Quality, Engineering & Manufacturing Association -
dedicated to Aerospace, Military, Automotive and Commercial business professionals.
Products, services, information and expertise is exchanged in all fields.
- Six Sigma is an integrated,
disciplined, proven approach for improving measurable results for any
- Society for Quality/KalDer (Turkey) - an
independent, non-profit organization which aims to expand the awareness of total quality
in industry, service, and public sectors. Primarily in Turkish.
- Society for Software Quality - non profit professional
organization promoting quality software products, development and education. Periodic
journal and scholastic grant available.
Other Quality Sites: