Calendar for Excel™ is a Microsoft® Excel macro that creates a variety
of calendars and planners.
This section provide you with the following Step by Step procedures:
- How to Start Advanced Calendar for Excel
- How to Merge a Database to a Monthly Calendar
Step 1 - Start Advanced Calendar for Excel
A- From the Start button,
select the All Program and then select the Advanced Calendar for Excel
B- Double click on the file name
Advanced Calendar for Excel.
C- Once the file is open, select
the Calendar option from the Tools menu.
Step 2 - Prepare the Database
Please do the following:
A. Open the Excel workbook with the
database stored in one worksheet
The data should have three columns with the following data
This example is stored in the DB_Case_02.XLS
B. Identify the column name
that these information are stored. MS excel normally displays the column
name (for example A, B...)
- Date
Column C
- Line 1
Column A
- Line 2
Column B
Please enter C: in 2.1
otherwise you will get an error.
C. Enter the column name in
the Advanced Calendar for Excel Setup sheet Step 1 entry form as shown below.
Note: Make sure you have selected the [1] The column
contains only DATE option in the pull down menu in 3.2
D. Click the "[1] Build Calendar
DB file from Data Worksheet file button.
E. Open the
DB_Case_02.XLS file in the C:\Program Files\BaRaN Systems
LLC\Advanced Calendar for Excel folder.
Note: If the file is already open you will
receive a warning message. You must select the YES button to proceed.
F. Review the newly created file.
This format is refereed as Calendar DB.
Please note that the empty date cells are translated to 0 of January
1900 (or date Zero in MS definition) and empty name cells show
value of Zero ( 0 ).
The zero display can be fixed by un-checking the Zero values
option. Please choose Option from the Tools menu and then
select the View tab.
Please note that the Calendar DB cell has the value of
Book4 which the name of the newly created workbook.
If you would like, you can save and close the workbook and then click
the "[2b] Browse and Open the DB.." button to re-open it.
G. Make sure you enter the
following data in Step 3 of the Setup Worksheet.
Click the "[3] Build a Calendar from Calendar DB
file" button.
Click the OK button.
The Requested Calendar is generated and clicking on the button
can expand the
calendar into different views.
In the above example, you might want to see the NAME and JOB be
displayed in two rows.
Make sure you enter 1 for the value
of the 1.2 Use LINEFEED .. and run the program again.
The column width is very important. You can set the column width to a
prefix value such as 19 by entering the value of 19 in the 1.2 Column width