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Outlook Organizer for Excel™ provides Microsoft® Excel and Microsoft® Outlook users to execute the following functionality at ease:

  • Make a Backup of all of your Outlook PST files (and schedule it for future)
  • Build a Directory of all of your folders (Up to 5 level deep)
  • Sort all selected mails into sorted folders
  • Define Association
  • Transfer all selected mail to their Associated folder

These functionality are summarized in the following sections:

Assuming that you have Microsoft® Outlook installed on your computer as default e-mail. The Backup program allows you to select and backup your original Outlook files completely. It provide you with a reminder to make a habit of backup.

Please review the installation of the backup program here and make sure that you create a backup of your PST files before using this program. If you can not install this program, search for *.PST files and copy them to a backup location.

Once you have your backup in a safe place,  you can generate a Directory of all selected mail folders by clicking the button. The results are stored in the Setup worksheet.

Note: Program creates an outline for your data to let you show and hide levels of detail with a single mouse click. You can click the outline symbols ,, and to quickly display only the rows or columns that provide summaries or headings for sections of your worksheet, or you can use the symbols to see details under an individual summary or heading.

Assume that you are interested to organize your Inbox and Sent Items folders, then you need to select folders to be processes by the program.

You need to place an R for Received and an S for Sent in the column A of the Setup worksheet in front of the Inbox and Sent Items folders name as shown below.

Make sure that you have selected the following options in the green colored cells ( All Cells with green background indicates that the use can enter data, sometimes the green column header indicates that all cells below the header are user data entry cells).

Then click the button, and the program automatically based on your choice Moves or Copies (recommended) the mails to a newly created SORTED Folder.

For each mail a sub-folder is created with the name of the either From Name (R Option) or and the First Name in the To List (S Option)

Therefore in the Admin@Web... folder there are all mail from Admin@Web... and all mails that you have sent to this address.

Create a new PST file to organize your e-mails (Select File -> Open -> Outlook Data File... option and follow the instructions). In this example we have created a PST file called BSL Organized.

Click on the folder name and select File -> Folder and name them accordingly as show below or any other preferences.

Select one e-mail from any folder by clicking the Right Mouse Click and move it to this folder. The Run the Step [1] to renew the directory listing, make sure the new folder is displayed in the Setup worksheet.

In the column B of the spreadsheet (Alias Column) copy and paste the folder names as shown.


This will enable the program to associate the corresponding folder with a single name.

Add the same name for the newly created folder in the SORTED folder. Basically you are instructing the program to MOVE or COPY all e-mails in the COPY TO folder to its ALIAS folder.

Make sure that you have chosen the following parameters.

and thenclick the button. Once the program finished its work please review the newly created folders.

Once you have move enough folders to their correct destinations, you can use the Association command. To use this functionality, please place an X in column A of all folders that you would like the e-mail to be organized into.

Then click thebutton. The program will display the following message.

Check the Setup worksheet, the program automatically has set all folders within the Sort folders to their associated folders.

You just need to set the ALIAS column again, and do the step above to organize all of your e-mails.


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