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How to use RCA for Excel program

RCA Diagram for Excel provides a tool to design, develop and manage an RCA within the MS Excel environment. This will reduce training cost to learn yet another program.

Please use one of the following options to learn more about this program. 

Section What Description
Install  Install the Product Clearly written text and supporting visuals explain the installation procedure.
Concept  Present the Concept Clearly written text and supporting visuals explain the purpose of the procedure, what steps are involved, and what rules apply.
Step by Step  Step by Step  Simple instructions coupled with replications of application screens then guide the learner through the task, presenting one step per page.  The goal is to give the learner a chance to walk through a task rather than simply explaining how it is done.
Practice  Guided Practice  Simulations provide the learner with an opportunity to perform a task in a guided context, with hints and feedback. Simulations can be practiced multiple times, allowing the learner to become comfortable within the application being learned.
Advanced  Advanced Topics This section supply source files and instructions for exercises that  enable the learner to perform advanced procedures available in the product.


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